Friday, 4 March 2011

Indian Democracy

Indian Democracy

Proud to be an Indian

Swaraj ha maza janmasidha hakka ahe ani to mi milvinarach ani to mi milvilela ahe.

......of for the people,......for the people, the people.

Indian Democracy through pictures

the following pictures show the system of democracy in india.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

indian democracy

With a billion people, the Republic of India is the world's largest democracy. With a population nearly four times that of the United States, India modeled its government on the British parliamentary system, with a healthy dose of influences from the United States and the rest of Europe.
India is run by a parliament made up of two houses, (similar to the United States Congress, which comprises the Senate and the House of Representatives). These two houses are called the lok sabha,or house of the people RAJYA SABHA, or "Council of States." Of the two, the Lok Sabha holds more power, but the two houses work together to make the laws of the country. The parliament is located in India's capital, New Delhi.
The United States has a two-party system, but in India candidates for seats in the Lok Sabha may belong to one of many different political parties. Once elected, the members of different parties may form coalitions to create a voting majority in the Lok Sabha.
From the biggest coalition or party, the Lok Sabha chooses a prime minister. The prime minister does many of the same tasks that the president of the United States does, and works with the Council of Ministers to govern the country.
Unlike Great Britain, another parliamentary democracy, India does have a president. This president, a person elected to office for five years by members of both houses and important government officials from all over the country, serves mostly as a figurehead. The president's responsibilities include "officially" appointing ministers — even though someone else actually chooses those ministers. Most of the time, the president's job is simply ceremonial.
In a state of emergency, though, the president can take executive action that a large legislative body like the parliament might not be able to do quickly enough. If India faces a military threat, the president can declare a state of emergency and become the single governing authority in the country. Likewise, if an Indian state fails to function effectively, the president can step in and rule the state directly. Most of the time, however, the prime minister holds the most political power in India.